He's a madman I tell you!
Every since we returned from our 6 day stay in Cancun, Luke can think of nothing and I mean nothing but Legos. It's as though he's taking one long drag on his Lego cigarette. Ahhhhhh!
Saturday, while Tom and I unpacked, did laundry, cleared out the Thanksgiving decor, etc., Luke made Lego creations FROM 9 AM to 9 PM. Twelve hours of Legos. No breaks. No commercials. No kidding. The child didn't even want to eat. Yesterday was no different, although I did have to to force him get out of the house to visit Granny and Gran Carolyn. That was like extracting his toenails.Then yesterday evening, I began to find some strange items around the house.
A screwdriver. 3 tiny screws. And the remainder of this little basketball prism that lights up and twirls around on a base in his room. He uses it as a night light.
Or should I say USED it as a night light.
My Blog is Moving
9 years ago
8 Wonderful Responses:
I'm major impressed that he thought to try and think of a way to make his Legos move!
So much like my Lego Maniac!! And he does the same thing...after we've been traveling, he disappears for hours to make up for lost time! :-)
My husband is jealous and will be attempting the same tonight :)
an inventor, an entrepeneur, an engineer, or maybe he'll get hired at Legoland and build those cool lego sculptures!
Said it before, and I'll say it again...a Mom should want nothing more than her children to play with Lego's (well, I guess Bible Reading might rank above that)!
Anyway, I think those little things help spark Brain Cells that would otherwise not get ignited.
SO much good will come from all this lego-ing!!!!
Very impressive!
Guess what Neil and Sam are doing right now??? Legos are HUGE here, too...and more are coming in the next few weeks! :o)
Head to Radio Shack and get him switches and wires, etc. They actually have packets for kids to experiment with, not too expensive! *Legos rock at any age, just ask Kent!
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