Blessing: I got a job!!
Yes, this may be one reason my blog has been so neglected lately; however, it is a great job for me. I am working in half-time position as Gifted/Talented Coordinator at Jenks East Intermediate - helping with enrichment for 6th grade students. I just so happen to be partnering with a very, very good friend who works with the 5th graders. I am still getting adjusted to working and managing everything, but the blog will NOT be put on the chopping blog nor will reading your blogs, though I haven't been able to read lately. Sorry! Blessing: Bunco Babes
My new friend Tiffani (pictured on the left), who should win the Nobel Peace Prize for uniting people, put together a Bunco Group. New to our city, she has pulled 16-20 of us together for this very fun activity! I have never been in a Bunco group before, and never really had time for much "me" time, so I am loving the time with my new Bunco friends! (Many of whom are also from my and Tiffani's church!)
Blessing: O Christmas Tree
Never in the history of my very fine marriage to Tom has he been around for the decorating of the tree. Ok, maybe he was around a couple of times, but slept through it on the couch. This year, however, not only was he around (a miracle in and of itself), but he went and picked out a tree, brought it home and helped us decorate it!!! We have always used an artificial tree, so can I tell you how awesome it is to come home to the fresh pine smell everyday? Tom so made my Christmas this year by picking out the perfect tree for our family. Thank you basketball for allowing him to be available! I love our tree with all my heart! The blessings keep flowing abundantly... more to come tomorrow!
My Blog is Moving
9 years ago
2 Wonderful Responses:
Annie, I have so much joy right now knowing that your Christmas season has already been so blessed!
So glad Tom was able to not only join you for the decorating of the tree, but to actually pick the tree.
Next year I want to go back to real trees. I agree--something about walking into your home and smelling pine. Worth every pine needle that falls.
Wow! Congrats on your job! Sounds like a perfect one for you!
And I'm so happy for you that you got to decorate as a family!
May the Lord continue to richly bless you this Christmas and in 2010! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
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