The last couple weeks, Luke has been talking about his collection.
Not just any old collection. You might expect a boy his age to have a grubby old rock collection or a toy car collection. (Well, he does have 3 tubs full of cars, so technically, I guess that does qualify for a car collection.)
Nope. None of the above. What Luke has been talking about is his collection of words, specifically -sp words.
Here are some of the words in his collection:
Spiderman (the first -sp word in his collection)
Splash (oh, that's a good one, he said)
Speed (complete with the vrroom vroom noises that cars make)
Sprite (and it goes on and on......)
and his favorite -sp word in his collection:
I know, you think that I, his English-teaching mother have been coaxing him to love letters and words much like a Coach-father may encourage one to enjoy sports. But beyond reading books, I can't take credit for this one. It's just a SPecial Luke thing.
One -sp word I know he does not have in his collection: Spanking.
My Blog is Moving
9 years ago
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