Tuesday, when I picked Luke up from school, I could see 50 yards away from him that something was not right. And when I got a good look at the kid, he appeared to have been hit by a Mack Truck. We drove directly to the pediatrician and my diagnosis was confirmed: strep.
I brought him home and deposited him on the couch where he literally did not budge for about 22 hours. Finally, Wednesday afternoon he started acting a smidge like himself, but still had a fever and ate next to nothing. Thursday... the gusto returned, but the strep breath (have you ever smelled it?) and low grade fever were still present.
So what I have on my hands today (Friday) is Luke in all his Lukeness with the added element of NO SCHOOL! I know it is even more exciting since his sisters had to go to school! AND HE IS HOME FREE!!!
One discovery we have made during this time is RedBox - those red vending machines of movies. I have noticed them for sometime, but never really paid attention. This time, I tried it and in the last 3 days, we have made several trips to Redbox, getting oh, probably 7 movies... for a grand total of 7 dollars. Now that's a deal! (just can't forget to return them within 24 hours or you have to pay another dollar per movie).
Below is our latest trip to Redbox. I had to laugh as I took my poor, "sick" son to pick out a movie. Apparently, it took a hybrid of Batman and Bible man, with a cowboy gun and some kind of PVC Pipe weapon thrown in to wrestle the evil Red Box free of Luke's coveted videos.
Luke, in case you're wondering, is BACK! Full Force.
Just in time for Spring Break!
My Blog is Moving
9 years ago
11 Wonderful Responses:
Oh, I know the feeling! Courtney is just getting over strep herself! I am glad that Luke is better. I thought about the RedBox thing, but we get Netflix and my husband thinks its the best..BLAH! Hope you are doing well!
So glad to know he is feeling better and the world still has super heros!!!
Have a fun break!!!
I'm so glad he is feeling better. I love the pictures of him in costume. Such a fun kid!
I've never seen the Redboxes. I don't think we have those here.
I am glad he is feeling better. All three of my kids have been sick this week! I am hoping they will all be well for next week. Tom is taking the week off to spend with us at home.
Glad to hear (and see) he is feeling better. Have a great spring break!
It's times like this that we mom's are so very thankful for DVDs! Us Niebs were excited to see Luke in costume.
Gotta luv that mask! So cute? Heroic? Handsome? All boy? We really dig Redbox too. We especially like it for traveling, since you don't have to return them to the place you got them. We map out our Redbox route before we go. Desperate times call for desparate measures.
So, he's got SpongeBob breath, eh???
I'm glad he's feelin better!
I've noticed Spring Break "springing" up on other blogs.
I guess I haven't considered the various times other areas have this break.
I hope the weather is beautiful for you and your family during your break.
And by the way....I've been wanting to try the Red Box and haven't yet. Keep forgetting. Gonna' give it a try....
And YES! I know what strep breath is like. I found out most unfortunately when my husband once asked me if I had a breath mint and then informed me that "I" needed it.
UGGG, the next day confirmed Strep. Hence, the Strep breath.
oops, feeling...
I love the costume! I've always ignored the red boxes - good to know.
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