The girls and I sometimes reflect on how different our lives would be if 5 1/2 years ago, a little boy had not entered our world, bursting upon the scene with grand gusto.
It seems apropos now, looking back, that he couldn't be born naturally, because he had gotten himself into quite a predicament: the cord wrapped around his neck. And that Tom and I had to be rushed off to the stark white surgical room to have him born by emergency C-section, The whole family waiting breathlessly for our wide-eyed boy to take his first gasp of air.
Since that moment, none of us have really caught our breaths; he keeps us going... moment to moment and day to day!
Here are some things we may not have around without him....
*An innumerable amount of hot wheels cars. Some without wheels, some crushed, some with Cheerios smashed inside of them. Some painted, some immaculate. Some named. Some in piles. Always wanting more.
*Trick tracks. Arranged in every formation known to man.
*Naked bottoms - stuck in our faces whenever possible. (what is this about?)
*Tech Dech skateboarding stuff - his latest love.
*Behavior Charts! - We were introduced to the lovely discipline by Luke's kindergarten teacher. Didn't even know they existed.
*Monster Trucks - he even has a monster truck video that he can watch and I laugh as he throws in the appropriate "yeeeeeeeeahhhh!"
*Daring stunts - on scooters, on the trampoline, into swimming pools, on bicycles (look at this one when he was 3 1/2), ... pushing the envelope. Always. Even in the kitchen! (see below)But the real reason I began this post in the first place was because of Luke's love for Legos. I call him a Legomaniac. Sometimes, his attention span seems impossible, but when it comes to Legos, he can sit there for HOURS, and not budge. This started when we went to Disney World two Octobers ago and Papa bought the kids a Lego set at the Lego store when we were shopping. Luke was hooked and has gotten progressively more demanding for more difficult sets. It's gotten to where the $20 and $30 sets just don't cut it. So, this Christmas, Nana, Papa and Grand Carolyn got him some biggies: The $100.00 sets.
He spent a few, short days working on the Police Headquarters. When it was time for a dinner break, he would cry and say, "I can't eat because I can't get my mind off Legos!!!" But when he finished, he was so proud of his accomplishment. I was proud too - proud there were a few hours that he wasn't begging to play the Wii. Whew. Small victories. Anyway, he wanted me to take some pictures and post them on the blog for all the world to see.
Legos have had a pretty big influence on our family. Ellie is now in love with Legos, and the funny thing is my sister's girls, the three pretty princesses, well, they like Legos now too! And you may be able to catch them working a (gasp) Indiana Jones Lego set! All because of Luke.
We've all been Lukeified. And glad about it.
My Blog is Moving
9 years ago
12 Wonderful Responses:
Its hard to imagine what life would be like today if someone wasnt in it. I figure that if we didnt have Catelyn, Courtney would be even more spoiled, and it would be awfully quiet and lonely around here. As an adult, i still love Legos! I could never build anything like Luke did though!! He's a cutie! Also, if you wanted to be interviewed, i need your email address to send you questions!
What a sweet post. I don't know what it is about bottoms!?? Trey is the same way. That must have been very scary when he was born. Looks like you will have a life time of adventures with him. :)
hey if we got your Luke together with my Keifer(also 5 1/2) we could have a whole lego city to visit(we got the lego fire station)
BTW the recue helicopter thats been 49$ is on clearance @ wal mart for 21 now.
Um, we need to be Lukeified over here -- by way of a behavior chart? What is this? I need to know! :) Maybe it will help my boy to avoid his daily altercations at school, haha. I don't want him to end up being a preschool drop-out...;)
Good Job Luke ... on all of your accomplishments - even the Legos! : ) Marissa would love all those Legos - Marissa's daddy too. Looks like you are the LegoMaster though. Thanks for the post Anne!
Such a sweet post about Luke. I'm sure he makes life very exciting. :)
Let me tell SO thankful for Luke's LOVE of LEGOS! I attribute Will's success in school to all the hours and hours he spent building lego's.
My little guy is doing Algebra in 4th grade!
Thank you 925 piece Lego's!! You were worth every penny.
I don't have stunt pictures of mine - but Jacob has several broken arms already!
My boys like streaking through the house and shaking their booty at me.
Sound familiar?
I can so relate! Sam has absolutely NO fear and loves Legos! Boys are quite an adventure and I'm glad to be on it!!
Really love that pic with Daddy!
Legos are one of the toys I kept from that era of my boys. They are sentimental and classic. Great post. Boys are awesome!
Sooo, glad your not having to do a post about a broken arm, etc. Your little man sure stirs things up for you gals! It's awesome that you see the GOOD in it all! Steal a kiss when you can and slap that backside so he won't be surprised when his coach does! (you know in an appropriate way)
I LOVE that Lukey!!! We are into the world of cars now and I could relate to the condition of the cars!!! Boys are great and bring such a new perspective on life!!!
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