Sunday, November 28, 2010

Turkey Day {Bittersweet}

Thanksgiving was bittersweet this year. And I'm not talking about the food. Bitter in that it was the first year in 40 that I didn't spent Thanksgiving with my extended family at my cousin's house, like we have always done before.

Sweet in that Thanksgiving was spent at our house with our immediate family, mom, dad plus Kim and family. And my cousin Heather and her kiddos came over later that day. Bitter in that my granny is in the nursing home right now, and it's so hard to see her there when you know that she wants to be home with her family.

Sweet in that we all went to see her and took her a heaping plate of our favorite dishes.

Bitter in that we knew that the guys were leaving for 10 days the morning after Thanksgiving.
Sweet in that we know that God is with our husbands and with us too as we manage our households alone.
And the rest was just sweet, sweet, sweet as we ate, played games, wrestled (that would be Luke and Kyler) and enjoyed the day. Hope yours was sweeter than bitter too!

2 Wonderful Responses:

ThatsBaloney said...

I figured it would be hard on you guys with your granny in the nursing home. :(
Sounds like you made the best of this year's Thanksgiving.

Shannon said...

We are going through these strange shifts of tradition with my dad too. I fight it and I want it to go back like it was...for me. But then I have to think of making the best of those memories for the girls. Looks like it was a great day! Praying for your Granny!!