Monday, November 06, 2006

School Stuff

Kami and her classmate Gabrielle were asked to lead the Pledge of Allegiance at the Jenks School Board meeting tonight. During the pledge, they were looking at the flag, which was on the other side of the room; as a result, I did not capture the actual moment that they said the pledge. (bad mom!) Here they are right beforehand. By the way, can you tell what the style for an 8 year old girl is?

After that, we went to an open house for the Reflections contest at Jenks East. Kids enter stories, drawings, photos and songs in a PTA sponsored contest. Here are pics of the girls with their entries. The theme was "My Favorite Place," and Kami and Ellie both wrote stories about... Alaska. They loved that trip (which was one year ago this Thanksgiving.) The project Kami is holding she called "Trojan Pride," and Ellie's is "At the Pumpkin Patch." It was really interesting to see what all the kids created. What I didn't get a picture of was Luke sneaking up to the refreshment table and eating cookies with both hands. I think the damage was about 6 cookies for the time we were there.

1 Wonderful Responses:

Anonymous said...

Good work girls!