I have been checking out the very cool blog Rocks in My Dryer for a long time now, and there was this great great post just the other day. Love it! Check it out! But the thing that is really fun about her site is her Works For Me Wednesday feature, in which lots of bloggin' moms post their best tips and tricks. I can scan through her site and pick up new ideas every Wednesday. So, after months of just reading, I am actually going to take the plunge and try it out. Here goes:
What works for me is Freecycle.org. Seriously, folks, this is an AWESOME site. I just joined a few weeks ago, and it has been a smashing success so far. The mission of this non-profit group is for people to reuse what could be refuse. That is, instead of sending something to the landfill, to use message boards to find someone who needs it.
Case in point: My sister had a very large freestanding swinging chair that she wanted to part with when she moved. Goodwill would not take it. What to do? I said, give me some time. I posted an OFFER on Freecycle and within minutes, I had about 30 emails, and in 2 hours, it was gone - picked up from her curb. More importantly than that, it went to a lady who has a disabled son, who just so happens to love feeling motion of a swing. Wow!
Then, I found out one of my cousins was moving in her first apartment, but had nothing to eat breakfast on. No kitchen table or chairs. I posted a WANTED message, and the next day, my husband went and picked up a round table with 2 leaves and 6 chairs that was in great condition. It's was an 80's set, but Kristen doesn't care! She just wanted somewhere to eat her Cheerios.
We also gave away a garden bench, a child's table and chairs and a TV armoire. And, I picked up a big tub of Legos from someone who didn't want them anymore! Woo Hoo! I'm going to post a new message today: WANTED - skateboard (for my little skater dude!) We'll see what happens So far, this site is working for me!!! So, browse on over to her WFMW post, and you will see me as #101!!!
My Blog is Moving
9 years ago
6 Wonderful Responses:
Freecycle is amazing here in NYC. There are so many posts and so many people willing to come and get whatever I want to recycle. I wanted to get rid of the white plastic chairs (you know the ones that are $4.99 at Target or Eckerds). They were old and I couldn't get them clean. So I posted exactly that and more than 20 people replied. I left them by the curb and the new owner came and picked them up. So cool!
Freecycle is even alive and well here in my small town in Australia! Who would have thought! And people are giving away everything from computers to roosters! Seriously! Y'all should check it out. Definitely works for me too!
love it!
sounds like it's working great for ya'll - I keep meaning to give it a try but haven't yet...maybe one of these days! Thanks!
what a great idea! i'll have to check that out...your blog (and by that i mean YOU!) is full of wonderful ideas...you are living up to your "fabulous mom" status that i hear about...underwear showing and all! i know God puts all of us women in ever-crossing pathways, even through blogging alone, to learn from each other...have a blessed day!
I love Freecycle!
I'm amazed at the huge response rate when you offer up something, which makes it hard to choose the recipient!
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